Question for Today…

Here’s something to think about…

Around $700 Billion a year is spent on our military, while more than 16,000 children a day

— one every five seconds — die of hunger.

Why aren’t we protesting THAT?

Hey Guys and Gals

Welcome to WordPress.

In keeping with our ongoing evolution, we’ve moved from our old home – to this new one, here at WordPress.  It’s a temporary move while we revamp websites, blogs, and memberships.  Enjoy, and stay tuned for more!

Stay Inspired!


So, What’s the Product?

Hey Guys,
From time to time, I'm asked the question –
 So What's The Product?
As you know, there are several answers to each question, and there are no dumb questions (usually there are a number of answers for each question – oftentimes it depends on how you look at the question).  I'll give you a couple here, but I also want to give you a slightly different one that from what I can tell, I'm possibly the only one out there that has observed this particular peculiarity.  It's one of my many observations born out of personal experience.
It's fascinating…
First, there is no product.  Because, it's not a business.  So, there's no sale.  There is no overhead cost, no cost of goods sold, no raw materials, no invoicing, no delivery, no assembly, no demo, no implied 'fitness for purpose,' no warranty, no guarantee, no purchase order, no labor, no employees, no leases, no licenses, no liability, no 'return' policy, and no 14 or 16 hour days!  Those are all 'business' notions and terms, and in business we are all accustomed to them – it's just how business works!
What was the 'product' when Warren Buffet gave 80% of his fortune to the Bill Gates Foundation?  Or take the $700 billion (of our money) 'bailout' given to the financial industry by our government?  It's an oxymoron to ask what the product is…It's like asking what the landing angle of approach is for a submarine!  There is none, because a submarine doesn't 'land' on any runway like an airplane does – it is designed to float on water, and submerge below the surface!  They are two separate ideas altogether.
Next, most every philosophical / religious systems on the planet contains the concept of giving and gifts.  Some of these philosophies are thousands of years old, some go back to the dawn of civilization, while others even pre-date that!  Churches of all denominations accept donations from the public…what is the product where you give a donation to a church, or a charity, or anything else?  Again no product, no 'sale.'
Next, have you ever given a tip, or a donation to someone, or a stranger on a street somewhere?  Most of us have…was there a product, or a sale, involved there?  No. 
So why did you give something to someone?
Because you wanted to, and you exercised your right to do it freely.  Plain and simple.
Last point, and this is an interesting one – it will make you scratch your head and wonder…you financial types will be very familiar with it.
There is an entire industry (in business) devoted to nothing more than 'trading' cash, for paper.  It's a concept from finance, it has to do with what are termed 'instruments,' that promise a series of payments to the holder of the instrument.  There are many different types of instruments; some are accounts receivables, a promissory note, a mortgage, a structured settlement, even an insurance policy.  Basically anything that can be financed, has a related industry like this closely tied to it – it's how new funds enter those industries.
These instruments do only one thing – they 'buy' (with cash money today) a right to collect a future series of payments or cash flow. 
The simple explanation is that if you wish to convert your existing paper instrument into cash today – it is sold at a discounted amount.  So when you turn your series of future payments into cash today, someone else will give you cash today (discounting the face value of the instrument).  The instrument is then assigned to a new holder.
All that happens is a trading of dollars.  Today's dollars, for future dollars.  Interesting eh?
That industry, has been around now for a couple of centuries, and many fortunes have been made by this trading of dollars. 
So what is the product in that industry – where dollars are traded for other dollars?
Think it over, send me your comments and we can talk about it the next time, till then,
Stay Inspired!

Dear Mr. President

January 20, 2009
Dear Mr. President,
My best wishes, thoughts and prayers are with you on your inaugural celebration.  I (as so many others in our country) find reasons to be hopeful along your side – there is such enormous potential before you and us at this historic time.
Hundreds of millions of Americans, as well as citizens around the world rejoice in the conscious awareness of the significance of your victory, as well as the victory of our Nation, and of humanity.  It was a moving experience for so many of us.  So many tears bore witness to healing as a nation, in the sensing that we had somehow stepped a little closer to each other as human beings, as citizens, as Americans. We joined and revered as a message was sent to the entire world as well as to ourselves.  
There is indeed reason for hope, and somehow you have successfully been chosen as the torchbearer for the gargantuan task of carrying the hopes, wishes, and dreams of an entire nation, and by extension a large part of the citizens of the world.  Your election has proven that people at some level still believe the spirit of the phrase – "Yes We Can…"  Even if it is only at a symbolic level.
So much of what you will do will be symbolic.  However it is in 'symbols' that examples and precedents can be set into motion.    
Many of us are aware that this monumental task, is indeed an almost inhuman one.  How can anyone unravel what took decades to create, in some cases – destroy.  Irrespective of this, we must begin the long difficult task, and we send you all of our best thoughts and prayers for many successful days, and strength in the difficult decisions, as there is no doubt there will be many.
Notwithstanding the obvious and unprecedented assaults on our Constitution, the outright lies and documented deceits that have permeated the country and characterized the outgoing 'administration' – many of which rise to the level of impeachable offenses and "high crimes and misdemeanors."  So many of us remain hopeful that these attacks will not be ignored by well intentioned and moral people.
Many of us also maintain the hope that true leadership may once again rise up and re-establish not just the words but the spirit of the American experiment embodied in our Constitution, our Declaration of Independence, the values and freedoms our country was founded upon.  Our greatest symbols, put into practice and restored once again. 
In this spirit, I would like to humbly suggest a symbolic gesture that can be implemented very quickly (at the beginning of your tenure), and will reap many benefits to the country and the world.  Consequently, we may all bask in knowing that we've done one thing right, and it would set the right precedent for the following decisions.
As you know, the entire world faces an unprecedented crisis in our planet's environment, in the dramatic effects on our global climate with the accelerated warming.  Experts worldwide are screaming with their warnings, and everywhere we turn our attention to, we can now 'see' the effects of ignoring the planet's systems for so long – there are some who believe we are now on an irreversible path.
One way to help ourselves and the world, would be to finally put a viable plan together (and implement it) to stop burning fossil fuels – the technology has been available for decades, and has not been practiced mainly for the protection of corporate economic profits, at the expense of our national economy and the destruction of vital ecosystems worldwide.  Rational people agree that this is a price we cannot afford to continue paying.  Without mentioning the geo-political and economic threats that continuing with these old policies would doubtless inure on our system, as well as the world.
As you are also aware, in the 1970's President Jimmy Carter put forth a proposal to divest ourselves and our economy of fossil fuels – his plan called for energy independence by the 1990's.  He had solar panels installed on the White House, symbolizing a new era of independence and 'clean' environmentally safe fuel.  It brought a new industry online, and many solar panels were installed nationwide.  That was almost 35 years ago…
Then what happened?
Ronald Reagan came into power and one of his first directives was to have the solar panels removed!
This was the symbolism used by Reagan…but it wasn't just Reagan.  Bush Sr could have put the solar panels back on, sending a clear message to the world – but how could old 'oil-man' Bush do that?  Along came Bill Clinton and Al Gore, and they also could have signaled a change by using this symbol – they didn't either.  Then under questionable tactics and circumstances, as well as an unprecedented election left in the hands of 'judges' came the second George Bush, and along with Cheney their symbology was to award themselves the 'contract' for the oil fields in Iraq!  Halliburton, Brown, and Carlysle companies – some symbols!  Millions of innocent people have been killed as a consequence, others tortured.  Is it any wonder why he was greated with FLYING SHOES?
Some of us know why, but a large portion of our own population remain in the 'dark' (ignorant) about these facts.  Since the 70's, we've had Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, and now another Bush…and 35 years later the solar panels remain 'off.'  For 35 years now, a continuation of the policies implemented by Reagan (after he took office from Jimmy Carter), the laissez-faire and laffer curve economics have reigned supreme in Washington.  Some of us know that this does not work, and has been shown not to work, time and time again.
It is 2009, and now we have this unprecedented opportunity Mr President.  You embody it, along with so many good thoughts and dreams from all ages, backgrounds, and neighborhoods across the country, and from around the world.  I would like to humbly echo the suggestion that no doubt you have heard or thought about already.  Let's send the world another message, let's echo the sentiment that Yes We Can do the right thing again, and not just talk about it.  That "We The People" can be the United States of America that so many of us grew up in, believed in our principles and were so proud to call home.  
In this very economic and quickly implemented little symbol…
Would you like to send a strong, positive message / symbol for CHANGE…for
the entire world?
Put the solar panels back on the roof Mr President!

Let's have the Exxon/Mobil's participate a tiny bit in bailing out our economy and the world.  They have now had a 35 year ride now (this last time) and counting, they have reaped record profits (worldwide) while the middle class and lesser of us, literally go hungry.  Good people are hungry today Mr President in this country!  You know that. 

We listened hopefully to Senator Biden talk about the worries of middle class families wondering how they would continue on while he rode the train to Delaware.  Everyone knows it, one would have to be blind (or act blind) not to see it – it's all around us.

Let us send the world a message that there is morality and conscience left in this country.  Let us send the $80 billion dollar record profit industry a clear message that the 'status quo' will not be allowed to continue raping and pillaging the planet for profit. 

This coming week Mr President, let us wake up to a cleaner United States of America.  The solar panels can be installed in 24 hours…the world is watching with baited breath, and we are waiting. We've been waiting for 30 + years now.  Let us begin anew again!

Congratulations President Obama, may God Bless You and our country!



Marketing Q&A: Shhh…Don’t Tell Anyone Else But…They’re All Around You

Present Happy Holidays!

The last time, we asked the question – “Why would anyone join you/follow you, or send you $1, $10, $100, $1000, or $10,000?”
Shhhhhh…don’t tell anyone else, but…
They’re all around you.
Well, as I’ve said now since 2005 – I can tell you, describe it to you, but rather than do that…as you know by now, I’m a “let me show you” kind of guy…so, let me give you an example of exactly the kind/type of person who would and why
Here are some hints of who they are and what they look and sound like:

  • They look exactly like the thousands, now hundreds of thousands of people who have been displaced by layoffs, downsizing companies, and companies closing their doors and in many cases going out of business for good.
  • They look and sound exactly like the millions of people who are wondering about their retirements, their social security checks aren’t enough and they’re wondering how they will do, in what was supposed to be their ‘golden years.’
  • They look and sound like the millions of people across the country who are currently in foreclosure or in the process of going into foreclosure right now…across the country the statistics are staggering – one out of every 10 homeowners are in foreclosure.
  • They look like about 90% of all the small ‘Ma and Pa’ businesses owned by individuals all over the country.  They are wondering what else they can cut back on and how long they can hang on and stay afloat?
  • Open up any Sunday newspaper in America; the NY Times, the LA Times, or any of the thousands of magazines and newspapers between the coasts, and look in the Classified section of a few publications.  You will find hundreds and thousands of ads – these are all people who are currently looking for solutions to situations they have…all of them can use help in finding their solution, or a better tool to solve their particular task…that’s why it’s frequently called the “Help Wanted” section.  They need help!
  • They look like all employees who are currently still employed, who every day hear about hiring freezes now going on across the country.  This is millions of employees and worker bees.  Trust me when I say this…they’re all scared out of their wits wondering if they are ‘next’ on the chopping block, or what they’re going to do, mainly due to what they themselves are choosing to believe, or ‘buy’ into.
  • They look like the millions of recently retired baby-boomers who are ‘over-trained’ and overqualified for their chosen careers’ pay scale, and they’ve woken up to the reality that they still have life left in them and they want some quality of life?  These are great people, many belong to what has been termed our greatest generation! I know because I have a few of them as partners…they are retired veterans of all wars — WWII, Korea, and Vietnam.
  • They also look like the hundreds of thousands of ex-military that are now discarded by a system that sent them to fight and then won’t even give them proper care when they return – this particular one is a national problem, that we should all be ashamed of!  But as my friend George says, “…and nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care…”
  • They look like the hundreds and thousands of City, State, and Federal  workers / employees who have been laid off as governments deal with their own budget shortfalls and fiscal crisis’.
  • They look like the hundreds of thousands if not millions of people who start up businesses every year across the country.  Some do it from their homes, some start businesses on Main Street, and some do a combination or both!

When you get through analyzing it, they are just people like you and I.  No different.  They come from different backgrounds, have different experiences, live in different towns, and states, and countries…but at the end of the day, we are all pretty much the same when it comes to humans.  Pretty much the same or very similar aspirations, dreams, hopes, ambitions, desires, etc.
Where do you find them?
They are everywhere.  They are your neighbors, they are on every street, in every city and town near you, across the country, and across the world.  They are living everywhere!
Think about this:  Most of you reading this, I’ve never met personally – yet, here you are…the same way (or similar way) that we connected, others will too, hundreds and thousands are now waiting.  There are a few billion online – day and night, all over the globe.
How many do you know?
Probably a few hundred, to a thousand, statistically.  But here’s the best news…
You Don’t Have to Know Any of Them,
They Will Come to You and
You Can Learn How,
To learn how and more – get in touch with me now…
Stay inspired,
P.S.  I have a small ‘mini’ Apprenticeship coming up in February – it will be a small
group, and will begin opening up registration in a couple of weeks.  If you are
interested, send me a short message and let me know asap!

Marketing Q&A: Why Would ‘Anyone’ Join You or Follow You?


 The Marketing Question:

In my garage sits a Benz, a Grand Caravan, I'm restoring a 1976 Pontiac Trans Am (I drove out of high school).  Although these days I drive very little – the Benz is a holdover from my advertising/consulting days, the Caravan is the family vehicle, and the T/Am was me as a 17-18 year old (hot rod).
Each vehicle represents a different form and function.  It leads me to the marketing question, and that is…
Why would anyone send you $1, or $100, or $1000, or $10,000?
Answer:   For the same reason that some people drive Benz's, some Toyota's, some drive Fords, and so on.  Even the so-called 'luxury' market is split; you've got Benz, BMW, Lexus, and so forth.  The 'exotic' car market is similarly split – lots of variety.
While Coca Cola may be the big gorilla in the soft drink market, there's Pepsi – tagging right along in the taste test, there used to be RC (don't know if they're still around), and even Sam Walton of Walmart has his own Sam's Club brand Cola…Yet I've never been a Coca Cola drinker!  I know what it tastes like, I just never got hooked on it.
Coffee…that's a different story, now you're talking!  But look at the coffee industry, my God!  I know of at least a dozen different coffee specialty retail houses, to say nothing of the seemingly infinite variety of brands in the stores…walk into a Starbucks and just try to get a good ole fashioned 'regular' Joe, they've got so many choices it's hard to just get a regular cup!  (Try their Chai Tea Latte). 
We could go down the line talking about the variety, breath and scope of almost every industry out there – but we won't. 
Here's the point:  There is something for everyone, and this is no different.  Every one of those businesses, has to find out who and where their 'target' audience is!  And just because I don't happen to drink Coca Cola,or drive a Mazda Miata or a Honda Civic, doesn't mean that there aren't a few million people out there in the world who will buy those brands!
So let's ask the same question:  Why would anyone drink a Coca Cola, or drive an Alfa Romeo, or eat a Domino's Pizza?  Is Orville's Popcorn the best one?  Noooo!  Everybody knows when you buy popcorn you should be buying Newman's Own…right?  Because Newman gives the proceeds to worthy causes, that's why!
Remember the Hula Hoop, the Cabbage Patch Doll, the Pet Rock, the Chia Pet, Spud Gun, Ant Farm, Beanie Babies?  The Ginzu Knife, the Rotisserie, the George Foreman Grill, the Potato Peelers, etc.  I'm not sure why anyone would buy a Foreman Grill, but that thing is on it's 19th generation!  Apparently, people keep buying them over and over.  How do you argue with success?  They just keep cranking them out, in series, it's "new and improved!" 
So the question is not why would somebody do this and join/follow you into anything.  The question is the same old marketing question that everyone has; it's how and where are the folks who resonate with this?  The one's who identify with this.  That's the question!
That question, is easily answered.  You can learn how to find them, and how to find as many of them as you want! 
I'll continue this in a second part, but I'll give you the answer here…
They're all around you.
Stay inspired,
To see what I'm talking about here, just send an email to  and I'll send it to you right away!


Declaration of Independence…We hold these truths to be self-evident…

Good Morning!

Read these words slowly, and listen to them in your own mind as you read,

“…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  That to secure these rights…”

What pronouncements, what beauty, power and intent in these words.  I’m not editorializing here (I’ll save that for another day) – but I wanted to give you a treat, as well as a reminder, since we will be inaugurating a new administration next month…remind you of these wonderful written words in our greatest documents.

Our Constitution, our Declaration of Independence, our Bill of Rights should be read and studied by everyone.  They express the foundational principles upon which our country was chartered, and the ideals we once valued and fought to attain.  Many surprises await your discovery in these great documents.

This video displays a very good presentation, and I’ve always enjoyed Morgan Freeman anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

Stay inspired!


Giving: My Thoughts…


How fitting that this is our annual season of Thanksgiving – "to give thanks," or giving gratitude.  Doesn't it feel right, to be giving…to give?  What do you feel like when you receive an unexpected gift?  A surprise?  Well, it doesn't have to be a once a year event!  It can be a year-round way of being.  If you have that awareness, and we all do.  We just need to give ourselves permission to allow it, something many of us sadly have not done in many years, some since they were children.

So I'm back to give you my own thoughts this time on the subject of Giving, but before you read this one, you should read the prior post entitled - Giving:  Your Thoughts of October 24th. 

Ok – here's how I see it…

The answer to the question previously posed on Giving, is an easy one – it seems to me obvious, of course, the answer is yes!  Yes, you participate, you give in every way and measure that you can – as often as you can.  It is in shutting oneself off to the world, and erecting barricades and walls that life itself is cut off…

Very few things can materialize in life if not for intentionally giving of oneself, of one's time, attention, and intention.  It is innate in us, and follows natural principles.

It's the human thing to do - one should be compelled (if you're still human) to give.  Give often and freely, be lavish and give from your heart, from your mind, from your spirit – from every part of you that you can possible give.  There are so many ways to answer this and expand on it (and in other posts I will do that), but let me give you the highest and perhaps best reason why I believe the answer to be self-evident.

Before there were governments and edicts, and rules, and exclusions, and codes, and pronouncements…there was the natural world.  Nature.  If you study it (the natural world) even in the slightest way, you will quickly find that even in it's most chaotic state, there is order in nature.  Everywhere we can observe it, in the oceans, in the dryest deserts, in the most frigid poles, in the highest mountains, in the stars, and even in distant galaxies – there is some order to all of it. 

A quick study of the natural world reveals how life gives and receives, it reproduces in new generations, and the cycles repeat over and over again.  It intends to continue forward, to replicate and to multiply…it is the 'order' of life, and of living.

If you consider the opposite – that is, not giving, or taking…then this seed will produce it's own similar crop.  Just as the apple seed will one day produce a tree and many apples, if one plants the seed of anger, hatred, aggresiveness – the outcome can only be the same.  "To each kind its own." 

If one gives apple seeds to the fertile soil, gives them water and nutrients, wouldn't you expect an apple tree to grow?  Or would you expect a watermelon, or a carrot, or an orange grove, a turnip or a grapevine?  No, one would expect the same apple tree to grow from the apple seed given in the beginning.  Right? 

Now, as silly and simple as this example may seem to you now.  It is truly amazing how in life we run around planting lemon seeds, while we expect big sweet watermelons to grow!  Further still, when we discover lemons growing, we act surprised and wonder why?  Amazing isn't it?

This is the political season, so allow me this indulgence and ask you a slightly political question…I realize that there are crazies everywhere (in every country), but what kind of seeds would you guess one would have to plant in the soil, in order to reap…let's say flying shoes aimed at your face?  I mean, if it were you, would you interpret that as a sign of gratefulness, and goodwill towards you?  I just ask … really.  Hmmm…I wonder…

Do you see what I mean about planting one seed, and acting surprised when we reap something different, and then wondering why? 

Let's travel to the other side of the spectrum - Mother Theresa of Calcutta.  One of her 'seeds' / quotes was:

"Spread love everywhere you go.  Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."

What would you expect would grow from having that awareness in mind?  What would you expect the results to be originating from those words?  Aren't the words, "spread love everywhere…" just another way of saying – give love? 

Seems to me to be a pretty simple and obvious conclusion/answer, what do you think?


We The People…


As Promised, here's a treat for you – the Preamble of the United States Constitution, as recited by Don Knotts' character Barney Fife.  We probably all learned this in school at some point, but it is unfortunately true, that just like Barney in this video clip, the vast majority seems to have forgotten both the spirit as well as the content (words & meaning) of this…our MOST precious document.  

This is the document that embodied the dream of what would become the U.S.A.  Dreams of settlers and disenfranchised founders – often called the "framers of our Constitution."  It's what makes this country great, what allows and permits a plurality of views, for tolerance, it is in a very real way the facilitator for the quilt that made America what the founders of the country wanted.

Here's a reminder for you, enjoy!


I want to call attention to the first three words of the preamble.  All of the words have great meaning of course, but notice how the preamble begins in its first words…Take a look.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.

Stay Inspired,


Giving: Your Thoughts


If you take a look at what's been going on – that is, if you're in the group of people (the few) who've been keeping their eyes and ears open, you know that there is always an opposing view to just about everything under the sun.  Good people argue back and forth just about anything and everything.  That is what debate is all about!  

So it is with this concept of giving.  However here is what will ultimately determine the answer for you…the answer is to be found within,


If you believe that anyone can dictate to you whether you are free or not to give anything to anyone that you freely choose/elect, then that is your belief system and that is your answer.  Before you take any action, you should check with your guru, soothsayer, or neighborhood know-it-all, there's one on every corner, and certainly every family has one or more!

On the other hand; if you believe the opposite, that is – you believe that you are free to choose who you want to give a gift or gifts to, then similarly that is your own belief system and you have your answer as well.

The reverse is also true – that is, the receiving side.  There are many people who have no trouble at all with graciously receiving gifts, many welcome them!  I know many people who become excited kids again at the prospect of receiving them!

I've also met people who had a built-in mental block, and could not accept a gift for any reason.  We've all met people like this throughout our experiences I'm sure.  Not sure why this is, but clearly that thought pattern becomes their belief, and they are certainly entitled to it!  

Which camp do you fall into?  The one's who believe they can freely give and receive, or the one's who believe they can't?  Send me your thoughts and questions or comments to .

Know this:  Our greatest law of our land – The U.S. Constitution, grants you the right to believe and the right to express that belief - whatever that happens to be.  So you know that we're not speaking in a vacuum or in theory here, these are part of your freedoms.  In some part, this is what is meant when we speak of freedom.   

Speaking of that, next time I'll have a very funny video version of this up for your enjoyment!  Barney Fife's recital of The Preamble.       

Stay tuned and stay inspired!
